Every year, the world’s five largest publicly owned oil and gas companies spend approximately $200 million on lobbying designed to control, delay or block binding climate-motivated policy. This has caused problems for governments seeking to implement policies in the wake of the Paris Agreement which are vital in meeting climate change targets. Source: Oil And […]
“You Don’t Look Native to me” by Maria Sturm 2011 – 2017 ~ Pembroke, North Carolina, United States Portrait, Social Issues, Documentary “You don’t look Native to me” „You don‘t look Native to me“ shows excerpts from the lives of young Native Americans from around Pembroke, Robeson County, North Carolina, where 89% of the city’s […]
For over a year, Puget Sound Energy has claimed that a 550-foot safety zone is all that is required. They say they have run the appropriate model to prove it. They say that the other information provided by anti-LNG activist claiming a 3.5-mile safety zone is false and not supported. Source: How dangerous is an […]