Native News Feed


Pipeline Bombshell: Even Dominion Energy Says Mountain Valley Pipeline Contractor Is Incompetent | Blue Virginia

In one of those reports, never before released but published here for the first time (see below), an engineering firm hired by Dominion details a long and terrifying account of Precision Pipeline’s incompetence when it comes to causing landslides during pipeline construction.Yes, landslides. Thirteen of them. In a 55-mile pipeline project.With a 30-inch pipe.In non-mountainous […]

Atlantic Coast Pipeline Environmental

Rover Topple Over: Pipeline Construction in Doddridge County, WV

What havoc will the Mountaineer Express, the Mountain Valley and the Atlantic Coast pipeline wreak? What about all the feeder pipelines, the NGL pipes (natural gas liquids)? Are any of the agencies involved looking at the cumulative impacts of these large-diameter pipelines crisscrossing the state? Source: Rover Topple Over: Pipeline Construction in Doddridge County, WV

Atlantic Coast Pipeline Environmental Southeast

Group: Property values plunge along pipeline route in Highland County, Nelson County : Augusta Free Press

Three properties in Nelson County with signed easement agreements with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) for pipeline construction and/or roads to access the pipeline route, received reductions in property values averaging 32.5%. Source: Group: Property values plunge along pipeline route in Highland County, Nelson County : Augusta Free Press

Atlantic Coast Pipeline Environmental

Secret Sellout or Pay to Play? Terry McAuliffe’s Parting Gift to Dominion Energy and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline | Blue Virginia

“in the unanticipated event that the Project fails to obtain and maintain State Approvals.” The key word there is “unanticipated.” It suggests that Dominion was not just capping its liability but rather trading $58 million for a commitment from McAuliffe that the pipeline would be approved – a commitment that rejection would be, in the […]